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Summary - howtogetdustout
Registered: December 1, 2023, 01:33
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Position: Newbie
Website: https://firstfloorremodeling.com/
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Before getting started with a post-construction clean, it makes sense to get organized and take a logical approach to cleaning. This not only makes your cleaning more efficient, but will save time by avoiding the need to re-clean areas if you accidentally walk dust and dirt through them. As a general rule, aim to start cleaning at the farthest point from the front door, and work up to down, in to out. This way you’re always moving dust and dirt outside, rather than moving it around too much and creating more mess. The work that needs to be done for deep post construction clean requires a lot of special tools like wet and dry vacuum, commercial floor polishers, steam cleaner, and shop vac. Most of these can be rented from a local hardware store, but if you are not sure that you can figure out how to use these tools, you should look into hiring cleaning professionals.

how to get dust out of new construction home

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