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The 1st Summer Camp for Cultural Tourism

grand palce
The 1st Summer Camp for Cultural Tourism: “Learning and Sharing Experiences in Thailand through Creative Tourism”
With a relentless pursuit of excellence as a world class university, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) has rendered every effort to foster vision, mission, and commitment towards “internationalization with professionalism and proactive strategies in order to become an internationally recognized institute”. Along these lines, various strategic plans and activities have been implemented underlying the world class philosophy. Therefore, “A Summer Camp” is deemed significant to internationalization progress on one hand. On the other hand, this activity enhances readiness for joining ASEAN Community pathway and the goal of internationalization.
The objective of the activity is to expand regional academic partnership and collaborative network, while enabling foreign Bachelor and Master Degree students from member countries of ASEAN Economic Community including participants from prospective members to gain extensive learning experiences based on ‘Creative Tourism’. This opportunity will be a guiding principle in an effort to boost harmonious relationship and international collaboration in terms of academic exchange, student/staff mobility, academic and research collaborations, including educational network and its unity throughout the Asia region and global collaboration. Not only does the activity perform in line with an official policy of the Office of Higher Education Commission, but it also promotes NIDA towards regional and international community.
Target Participants
There are 25-30 participants comprising Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students from the ASEAN member universities including students from other prospective member countries.
Project Timeline
The Summer Camp project will be held for 10 days in 17 – 26 June, 2012.
Deadline for application submission is April 12,12 via E-Mail: chanokpan_sri@yahoo.com or nida_oia@yahoo.com
For further information please contact to:Office of International Affairs
Tel. +66 2727 3320-23
Fax. +66 2732 4268
or Mr. Chanokpan Srimongkolpitak, tel. + 66 2727 3321http://www.oia.nida.ac.th
Bildquelle : Wikipedia